A Podcast for Personal Growth and Authentic Living

Life Intended Podcast series cover image

About the Podcast and Audience

Life Intended is for individuals seeking to embrace their unique paths and achieve personal growth in their lives, careers, relationships, or parenting. Listeners range from young professionals to seasoned life veterans, all united in their quest for practical advice, motivation, and a sense of community that celebrates authenticity and purpose. Each episode dives into the personal stories of our guests, exploring their journeys of self-discovery, challenges overcome, and insights into becoming the best versions of themselves.

The Topics

Join Kelly as she discusses a wide array of topics with her guests, focusing on personal development, overcoming adversity, and the pursuit of living an authentic life. Topics include self-improvement, career transitions, maintaining personal relationships, parenting challenges, mental health, and much more. The podcast also covers effective ways to determine what you want out of life, the importance of mindfulness, and strategies for living with intention.

The Guests

Life Intended features a diverse range of inspiring guests—from authors and life coaches to entrepreneurs and individuals who have made significant transformations in their lives. Guests so far include Lindsay Vastola, Sadie Wackett, Keri Durkin-Caune and Debbie Oster. These guests share their stories and the lessons they’ve learned along the way, providing listeners with valuable insights and actionable advice.

The Host

Kelly Berry is a seasoned leader and coach with over two decades of experience in business operations and marketing. She is passionate about helping others find their path and live a life full of purpose and joy. Through Life Intended, Kelly offers a platform for sharing transformative stories and wisdom to inspire others to lead more fulfilling lives.

Backstory to Life Intended Podcast

Kelly Berry started the Life Intended podcast to create a space where people can learn from each other’s experiences and embrace their individual journeys. Launched amidst personal challenges and milestones, including becoming a mother and dealing with family health crises, Kelly brings a deeply personal touch to the podcast, making it relatable and genuine.

Join the Life Intended Community

Subscribe to Life Intended on your favorite podcast platform, follow along on Instagram at @lifeintendedpodcast, and join our growing community. Engage with us by suggesting guests, leaving reviews, and sharing episodes. Let’s inspire each other to live the life that feels true to you.

More About Kelly Berry

Kelly holds an MBA and has a rich background in strategic planning and business management. A devoted community volunteer and an avid adventurer, Kelly believes in living life to the fullest—whether it’s running an ultramarathon, running her businesses, or spending quality time with her husband Nick Berry and daughter Vivienne. Her life is a testament to the power of resilience and intention.

A full list of episodes and guests:

Kelly Berry Images

Kelly Berry with Nick Berry at EFPS in Indianapolis

Kelly Berry with Nick Berry at EFPS in Indianapolis

Kelly Berry and the FemCity Jupiter Board

Kelly Berry and the FemCity Jupiter Board

Kelly Berry presenting at the FR Convention

Kelly Berry presenting at the FR Convention

Kelly Berry and Lindsay Vastola

Kelly Berry and Lindsay Vastola

Kelly Berry at EFPS in Louisville

Kelly Berry at EFPS in Louisville

Kelly Berry at a FemCity event in Jupiter

Kelly Berry at a FemCity Jupiter event

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