A Holistic Approach to Fertility: Taking Control of Your Pregnancy Journey with Elizabeth King

Episode Summary

In this episode of Life Intended, host Kelly Berry sits down with certified international fertility expert, Elizabeth King. As a mother of three after the age of 40, Elizabeth shares her personal journey and professional insights into holistic fertility solutions. The conversation dives deep into the emotional, mental, and physical challenges of conception, particularly for women over 35, covering topics like IVF, miscarriage, the importance of support, and advocating for oneself during the fertility journey. Elizabeth's expertise and compassion offer invaluable guidance for anyone navigating fertility challenges, with a special focus on the mind-body connection.

The Importance of Holistic Approaches in Fertility

Elizabeth emphasizes the significance of a holistic approach when attempting to conceive. She highlights how mental, physical, and spiritual health all play a role in fertility outcomes. By integrating personalized diets, stress management, and intuitive practices, individuals can improve their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy, even after 40. Elizabeth herself had three children after the age of 41, proving that "mind-body-spirit" alignment is crucial.

Fertility Stress is Real – Seek Support

Elizabeth sheds light on the often-overlooked emotional stress of infertility, sharing a study from the Mayo Clinic that equates the stress of a fertility journey to that of a cancer patient. She stresses the importance of reaching out for support during this time, as research shows that those who receive cognitive support are 55% more likely to conceive.

Fertility Myths and Realities Around Age

Society often tells women that conception after 35 is fraught with difficulties. Elizabeth is living proof that it’s possible to have healthy pregnancies after 40. She challenges outdated medical narratives and encourages women to trust their bodies and advocate for their fertility health. Miscarriages, for example, aren't always due to age and can happen to women of all ages.

Customizing Fertility Treatments to Fit You

Elizabeth emphasizes that fertility is not one-size-fits-all. Each body is different, and diet, supplements, and treatments must be tailored to the individual. She stresses the importance of working with fertility specialists and coaches to identify unique needs, avoid over-supplementation, and create a personalized plan that helps reduce stress and increase fertility.

Advocating for Yourself on Your Fertility Journey

Elizabeth discusses the importance of becoming your own advocate in medical settings. Fertility patients often encounter doctors who may overlook factors like gut health, hormone imbalances, or stress levels. Learning to ask the right questions and challenge medical opinions is key to empowering oneself on this journey.

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Quotes from the Episode:

  1. "The Mayo Clinic did a study that says going through a fertility journey is as stressful as being a cancer patient. That’s why seeking support is crucial." – Elizabeth King
  2. "At 41, I naturally conceived my three boys, defying the notion that fertility is impossible after 35. Your body is capable of amazing things." – Elizabeth King
  3. "A lot of our medical community will tell you it's your age when you experience a miscarriage, but that's not always true. There are other reasons that need to be considered." – Elizabeth King
  4. "Fertility is not one-size-fits-all. You need to find what works for your body, mind, and spirit." – Elizabeth King

Kelly Berry's Bio photo

Kelly Berry is a strategic business leader and business coach. She is known for her operational excellence and her ability to drive growth and results across multiple industries.
She is also hosting her own podcast, Life Intended.

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