About Lindsay Vastola

Lindsay Vastola is a corporate manager-turned-entrepreneur, known for her innovative approach to personal and professional development. Based in Raleigh, NC, she empowers success-driven professionals to navigate the complexities of high achievement without sacrificing their health or well-being. Through her company, VastPotential, Lindsay helps leaders build cultures of “healthy high performance,” a concept born from her own journey through burnout and her experience coaching thousands of professionals to better integrate work and life.

Lindsay has been a guest on The Life Intended podcast: At What Cost? Listening to Your Gut, Doing Hard Things and Taking Action with Lindsay Vastola

Early Career and Transition into Entrepreneurship

Lindsay began her career in corporate management, where she quickly realized the all-too-common challenges of burnout and imbalance. Frustrated by the constant trade-offs between professional success and personal well-being, she left the corporate world to pursue her entrepreneurial passions. This led to the creation of her first business, a fitness and wellness company tailored to busy professionals. Through her 15 years of experience, she helped thousands of driven individuals regain control over their time and energy while excelling in their careers.

VastPotential: Helping Leaders Build Cultures of Healthy High Performance

Lindsay’s second venture, VastPotential, is where her passion truly shines. The company focuses on equipping businesses and leaders with the tools to foster environments of healthy high performance. She addresses the misconception that success requires a perfect work-life balance. Instead, Lindsay teaches leaders how to align their goals and values, helping them cultivate resilience and focus in the face of daily demands.

Her approach emphasizes emotional intelligence (EQ), listening to your gut, and keeping commitments as the keys to effective leadership. By honing these skills, Lindsay’s clients are able to trust themselves and make decisions that improve not only their work performance but also their personal lives.

Speaker, Coach, and Media Contributor

A dynamic speaker, Lindsay is known for delivering workshops and presentations that engage and energize audiences across industries. She has been featured in numerous national media outlets for her unique strategies, offering fresh perspectives on personal growth, leadership, and self-improvement. Whether addressing small groups or large audiences, Lindsay shares her insights through relatable stories and actionable strategies that resonate with high achievers.

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